Boys To Men is on a mission to stop generational cycles of toxic masculinity from continuing within Tucson communities. With help from community partners, they’re implementing intergenerational programs and providing masculine–identified youth with positive male role models. Their primary focus is facilitating weekly onsite talking circles throughout Arizona. These are intentional spaces where boys, men, and masculine–identified folks are able to nurture healthy relationships, make meaningful connections, and practice self–reflection. It’s a simple approach with a major impact on the lives of participants. Boys who engage in weekly talking circles have seen significant improvements in their grades, disciplinary referrals, emotional intelligence, and social skills. “When a boy is able to see an adult male model healthy masculinity, it breaks more harmful cycles from continuing,” says the organization’s interim CEO, Karen Valle.
In addition to weekly meetings, boys and their mentors also participate in monthly outings and adventure weekends that take place 3 times a year. These events provide unique opportunities for young men to bond with each other while learning about collaboration, decision–making, and other aspects of healthy relationships. Boys To Men’s commitment to community impact is amplified by the hope that one day, our society will view masculinity in a radically different way. They believe that by supporting Arizona’s masculine–identified youth with healthy male role models, we can help our communities succeed. They look forward to a not–too–distant future when men are embraced for being fully themselves, and as a result, we are all made more whole.