Specialty Loans

Unique loans for unique people. Find out if your profession might be considered for a Specialty, Physician, or Hero Loan at Vantage West.
Learn more below or for more information, call 520-751-7072 or fill out our home loan interest form.

Physician Fixed Rate*

Vantage West offers a high loan-to-value mortgage program designed specifically for Arizona physicians. These loans are only available for qualified medical professionals and include up to 92% loan-to-value without private mortgage insurance. Any individual licensed or registered as a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) or with a Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) in any discipline.

Hero Fixed Rate*

The Heroes mortgage program is designed to meet the needs of the dedicated members of our community. These loans include up to 92% loan-to-value and do not require private mortgage insurance. Qualified individuals include any employee of local, state or federal municipality or government, nurses and teachers, or professors.

Thank you for your service!

Professionals Fixed Rate

The Professionals Mortgage program1 provides a high loan-to-value ratio designed to meet the needs of certain professional service providers. Like our other specialty loans, this program does not require mortgage insurance. Qualified professionals include any person with a four year college degree or higher or possessing Vice President, President or Chief in their current position with their employer.


All loans are subject to approval. Rates based on creditworthiness, loan product, term of loan, and value of property used as collateral. Property insurance required. Mortgage options and rates subject to change without notice. You may be requested to provide additional documentation. Membership required. Certain restrictions and fees may apply. NMLS #485751
1Professionals only eligible if their profession does not already fall under the Heroes Mortgage Program. Restrictions may apply. *Purchase loan only.