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KXCI and Vantage West: Tuned in to what matters most

KXCI and Vantage West: Tuned in to what matters most

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For nearly 40 years, Tucson’s community radio station 91.3 KXCI has been committed to connecting real people through diverse, independent, real radio. With help from 70+ volunteer DJs and on air hosts, the station broadcasts informative, engaging, and creative local programming to over 35,000 weekly listeners in Arizona. “Radio connects people in a way that other media forms can’t,” says Hannah Levin, Host and Director of Content at KXCI. Located in the heart of downtown Tucson, the non-profit station receives funding through individual donations as well as support from foundations, corporations, and local businesses who underwrite their programming.

Recently, KXCI made the choice to reinvest in the community they serve by moving the organization’s banking to Vantage West Credit Union. “We feel that it’s very important to support our local businesses by sharing our microphone with them. Vantage West has a great reputation for serving the community and being in the community, and I think KXCI and Vantage West are just natural partners,“ says Executive Director Elva De La Torre.Through their shared commitment to local investment and a fiercely independent spirit, Vantage West business banking is helping KXCI connect with what matters most.

Learn more about how Vantage West Credit Union can help support your business and your community.