Our Marana branch is currently closed for remodel. Please visit the nearby branches on Oracle in Catalina and on Magee in Oro Valley. We apologize for the inconvenience.
You can access your account 24/7 through online banking, our mobile app, or ATMs.
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Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships, attends school or volunteers in (as well as all businesses located in) these geographic areas…
Not sure if a Credit Union is right for you?
Click Here to learn about Credit Unions and who they can benefit.
We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and we’re committed to providing access to our members.
Consumer Handbook on ARMsLearn how ARMs works, where to get additional info, a glossary of terms, and more.
Equal Credit Opportunity Act NoticeRead about the Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
Equal Housing Lender NoticeWe do business in accordance with federal fair lending laws.
Fair Credit Reporting ActThis notice is provided in accordance with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act.
What You Should Know About Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC)This is an explanation of some things you should know when your home is on the line — as well as a glossary of frequently used HELOC terms.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Social Media Public Use GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for social media use with Vantage West Credit Union. These guidelines may evolve as new technologies and social networking tools emerge.
Terms of UsePlease read these terms carefully before using this website.
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA)Read about the UIGEA.
Online Banking If you are logging in for the first time (or if it has been 6 months since your last log in), use temporary credentials in the box to the right. Once in, you’ll be prompted to set up new credentials.