Become a Member-Owner

Federally insured by NCUA

Becoming a Vantage West Member is only a few clicks away. As a Member, you’re not just a customer, but a part owner of the credit union. Members (18 years of age and older) have the right to vote in the annual Board of Directors election, as well as on other propositions requiring a Membership vote. Here’s how to make the switch:

  • Open an account with an initial deposit of $5 (The $5 deposit is required as your “par value” to become a member-owner of Vantage West Credit Union. This amount remains in the account for the entirety of your membership.)
  • Once the Membership is established, open a checking account.

 OR –


Geographic Area

Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships, attends school or volunteers in (as well as all businesses located in) these geographic areas…

    • Pima, Pinal, Cochise, or Maricopa Counties
    • Gila River Indian Community Reservation
    • Arizona’s “Copper Basin” Area


We proudly serve most active, retired, separated, civilian employees, and military dependents of members of the United States Armed Forces who are stationed (or training) at/near Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and other parts of southern Arizona.

Family Eligibility

Immediate family members of Vantage West Members are eligible to join.

Group Affiliation

Membership is open to current employees and Members of some groups located outside of our geographic areas. For more information on group affiliations please call 800-888-7882.


1If you’re a business owner and interested in offering Membership to your employees, learn more about our Vantage West @ Work programs. Federally insured by NCUA.